Become a SUPER STAR DAD! Take pictures, share and win the big prize. Tune in until 28.11.2022 in #BabyCremaStars!
Good luck!
Learn more from our wide range of childcare topics. Put trust in our 20 years of experience and proven professionalism. Topics aimed at how to best raise our babies or children, but also how to look after their health and upbringing.
Learn more from our wide range of childcare topics. Put trust in our 20 years of experience and proven professionalism. Topics aimed at how to best raise our babies or children, but also how to look after their health and upbringing.
Become a SUPER STAR DAD! Take pictures, share and win the big prize. Tune in until 28.11.2022 in #BabyCremaStars!
Good luck!
Anti-biting cream is one of the most important cosmetic products you should choose for your baby to prevent biting. Therefore, it is especially important to be careful about the ingredients and the method of application. Learn more about the topic here.
Brimming is a common problem in babies between the ages of six months and two years. One of the main ways to deal with it is with the help of anti-itch creams.
Join the Back to School Mania challenge with #BabyCremaStars and compete for the big prizes. See if you are among the drawn participants here. Follow us on social networks.
Subscribe to Back to Shool mania #BabyCremaStars. Learn the full terms and conditions for participating in the game here. Learn the full terms and conditions for participating in the game here.
Undoubtedly, the most important task of every parent is to teach their child independence. We must not forget that the first 7 years are decisive. Here are some important tips to help you in the learning process.
Central Office: Varna, Aksakovo
Logistic center Alpha Logistics
Monday to Friday: 8:30 - 17:30
Saturday and Sunday - Days off
If you are looking for information about specific products, please visit the "Products" section of our website, where you will receive detailed information about their active ingredients and their use. Or write to us here
Натурална формула за незабавен комфорт и дълбока хидратация, благодарение на високите контцентрации на ГЛИЦЕРИН, комплекс от НАТУРАЛНИ МАСЛА, сок от АЛОЕ и екстракт от КРАСТАВИЦА. Подходящ е при често миене на ръцете, възстановява бързо хидро-липидния баланс на кожата и подхранва ноктите. При редовна употреба, кожата е копринено ГЛАДКА, МЕКА и с ВЪЗСТАНОВЕНА еластичност.
Влажни кърпички с 99% съдържание на вода, специално създадени за деликатната детска кожа.
Без алкохол, парабени, оцветители.
Без парфюми и ароматизатори.
С балансирано pH.
Подходящи от първия ден на вашето дете.
Изработени от висококачествени. материали, щадящи бебешката кожа.
Удобна, икономична опаковка.
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