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The registration period has expired. It's time to announce the five contestants SUPER DAD-STAR :

1. Ivan Fotev

2. Paulin Guneliev

3. Slaveyko Martinov

4. Ivelin Bonev

5. Teodor Pavlov

Congratulations! They move on to the second stage of the game and will compete for the grand prize – a Family Tent. Wait for a confirmation email!


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hat's Christmas without a tree?

One of the most favorite family activities on the eve of the most magical holidays is decorating the Christmas tree. We know that she is the beating and glowing heart of the home during the holidays.  This evergreen tree, decorated with all kinds of colorful toys, bells and garlands comes to life when your dear child joins in helping to decorate. Without a doubt, Christmas is a huge delight filled with a thousand challenges, thrills and bustles for both children and parents.

So today we're challenging our 5 super dads: 

Be a personal photographer of holiday preparations and decorating the Christmas tree with your little pranksters at home. Make a short Reels video showing us how you decorate your home for Christmas and how you have fun while mom is gone.

Upload it to your Instagram profile by 15.12.2022.(visible) by adding the game hashtag #BabyCremaStars. And let the Christmas spirit settle comfortably at home.

Good luck to all participants!

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1. General game conditions

Be a part of the NEW #BabyCremaStars challenge and be SUPER DAD-STAR!
We at Baby Crema know that dads are no less important than mothers in raising children, but they are talked about much less. If mom is the better storyteller and master communicator, dad's game ideas are far more varied and fun! Inspired by the idea, we also created the SUPER DAD STAR contest, where we will collect your stories in frames.
Join our game and you will have the opportunity to share crazy and fun challenges and games with your little people at home.
Register for participation by 28.11. through the contact form located at the bottom of the page and embark on the adventure SUPER DAD-STAR на #BabyCremaStars.

2. And what do you need to do?
- Correctly fill in all data in the registration form below, to participate in the Campaign - name and surname; Email; reference/link to your Instagram social profile (which must be open for your participation in the subsequent challenge to be visible).
- Acceptance of the present Official Rules of the Campaign, expressed by ticking the electronic registration form, as well as declaring the correctness of the filled-in data and express consent to the processing of their personal data, which they provide in connection with their participation in SUPER DAD-STAR
– On 29.11.2022, we will randomly draw 5 participants who will get the chance to participate in the competition SUPER DAD-STAR and compete for the grand prize – FAMILY TENT!

3. Why participate?
If you bring home the glory of SUPER DAD and you want to be our star. If you like to take challenges, play with your little one at home, take pictures and have fun, you are in the right place! Let's show that the father's role in raising children is far from boring and monotonous. Dare to join the race for SUPER STAR DAD!

- In the campaign, you will receive a set of Baby Crema baby cosmetics for the most gentle care, as well as a game with a motivating challenge for you and your little one.
 – You will participate in a competition for the grand prize together with the other applicants for Super STAR DAD.
 – You will win prizes.

4. Conditions for participation in Super STAR-DAD, if:
– You have a child from 0 to 4 years old
– You have an Instagram account (open)
– You like to take pictures and share photos and videos on social networks
– You love challenges

5. Period of realization and drawing of winners
– The game starts on 14.11.2022 and will continue until 28.11.2022, 23:59.

 – On 29.11.2022, 5 participants will be drawn, who will continue to the next stage in THE CHALLENGE. They will be announced publicly in Facebook and Instagram the Baby Crema brand profiles.
– All selected ones who will continue to the next stage will receive a Baby Crema baby box for the most gentle care and a card with a motivational challenge in #BabyCremaStars,.
 – In the execution of THE,CHALLENGE and posting photos/videos, participants must also use the campaign's special hashtag #BabyCremaStars,, which should be publicly available. With it, they will certify the fulfillment of the conditions of our game.
– To ensure entry into the competition, we ask that all dads adhere to the challenge storyline and publication deadlines.
– The prize Super STAR DAD will be drawn and announced on 12/15. The winner of the game will win THE BIG PRIZE – A FAMILY TENT!


Be brave!
We wish you luck!


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