1. Become part of the new #BabyCremaStars challenge and be one of our Moms-STARS!
Join the game and you will have the opportunity to share footage of the most stellar and tender moments in your baby's life. Register until 24.02. via the contact form located furthr down the page and embark on the adventure called #BabyCremaStars.
2. Surprises, challenges and many rewards await you!
Sign up and you can win a three-month subscription of the Baby Crema box flled with baby cosmetics and wet wipes, as well as the right to participate in our motivating and fun CHALLENGES.
On February 25, 2022, we will randomly withdraw the first 10 participants who will receive the right to complete the CHALLENGES for the next 3 months, and will compete every month for the grand prize - A SHOPPING VAUCHER WORTH 100 BGN FROM NOTINO.BG!
Exactly on Internationals Women's Day, on March 8, 2022, we will choose the winner for the first month of the adventures #BabyCremaStars, – Мама – STAR, the best performer of CHALLENGE №1
3. Embark on the adventure called #BabyCremaStars,
If you are a super mom and you want to be our star, if you like to take on challenges, take pictures and share your love for your baby, we are looking for you! Dare and be one of ours Moms-STARS!
4. Becoming a Baby Crema Mom-STAR is an emotion that is definitely worth it!
- In our campaign you will have the opportunity for 3 consecutive months to receive free Baby Crema cosmetics and wet wipes for the most gentle care.
- You will participate in fun games and humor related to motivational challenges, which we will send you with each monthly box during the subscription.
- You will inspire other moms to try Baby Crema products and share experiences with all of us.
- You will win prizes.
5. You are our Mom-STAR, if:
- You have a child between 0 to 4 years of age
- You have an Instagram account
- You like to take pictures and share them
- You are interested in good quality cosmetics and also interested in tips about baby and child care
- Share experiences with favorite friends and fellow mothers
- Follow favorite bloggers, vloggers, children's care forums
- You love challenges
6. What do you need to do?
- Fill in correctly all the data in the registration form for participation in the Campaign - name and surname; E-mail; link to your social profile in instagram
- Acceptance of these Official Rules of the Campaign, expressed by ticking the electronic registration form, as well as declaring the accuracy of the completed data and explicit consent to the processing of personal data they provide in connection with their participation in #BabyCremaStars.
7. Period of realization and drawing of winners
- The game starts on 11.02.2022 and will last until 24.02.2022, 23:59.
- Each participant has the right to apply for participation only once in the game.
- The first 10 participants selected to participate in CHALLENGE №1, №2 and №3 will be withdrawn on 25.02.2022 and will be announced publicly on the social profiles of the Baby Crema brand (Facebook and Instagram).
- All 10, elected on February 25, 2022. Moms-STARS, will win a three-month subscription with free Baby Crema cosmetics for the most gentle care.
- During the implementation of the CHALLENGES, in 3 months in a row and when publishing photos / videos, the participants need to use the special hashtag of the campaign #BabyCremaStars,, which should be publicly available. With it, they will certify the fulfillment of the conditions of our game.
- In order to secure participation in the competition, we ask all Moms-STARS to follow the plot of the challenges, as well as the deadlines for publication.
- In their first monthly box, each mother will receive a CHALLENGE №1, which must be completed by March 7, 2022.
- On 08.03.2022, one of our Moms-Stars, who fulfilled the most impressive CHALLENGE №1, will be declared the winner and will win the GRAND PRIZE - voucher for online shopping worth BGN 100 from Notino.bg
– The participants in CHALLENGE №2 will have the opportunity to upload their own Reels videos until 27.03, and on 28.03 one Mom-STAR will win GRAND PRIZE - Value Online Shopping Voucher BGN 100 from Sportdepot.bg
– CHALLENGE №3 will delight young and old right around Easter. Our Moms-STARS will have the opportunity to embark on the game's final adventure until 15.04.
The prize Mom-STAR will be drawn and announced on 16.04. The Winner in CHALLENGE №3 will win GRAND PRIZE - Value Online Shopping Voucher BGN 100 from еMAG.BG.
Good luck to all participants of Baby Crema Stars!
The Baby Crema Stars game ended at 23:59 on 15/04/2022, and now it's time to announce the challenge winners.
1. The prize Mom-STAR for CHALLENGE №1 won Karolina Nikolova's video – www.instagram.com/reel/
2. The prize Mom-STAR for CHALLENGE №2 won Anita Atanasova's video – www.instagram.com/reel/
3. The prize Mom-STAR for CHALLENGE №3 won Reni Foteva's video – www.instagram.com/reel/
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